Sp/f Nolsö Shipping is committed to the kind of shipping business where attention to environment, the cargo, the vessel and its personnel count. Nolsö Shipping has personnel management on six product and chemical tankers.The company owns three modern vessels and bareboatcharter another two.
Our vision
Not a giant but a leader
Our goal is to run a successful, medium sized shipping company with modern vessels Nolsö Shipping shall work for improved education for the personnel and keep close contact with research-, development- and educational institutes.
Nolsö Shipping shall strive to be considered leader regarding eco friendly and efficient transportation on a global market with focus on Europe.
Nolsö Shipping won’t be the biggest, but we will be among the foremost!
Our History
Sp/f Nolsö Shipping was established in May 2009. Company office is located in capital Torshavn on the biggest of the Faeroe Islands. From office window you get a good view over Nólsoy, home-port of company vessels and home-resident for about 270 out of Faeroe Islands 50 000 inhabitants.
Beside fishing, a sector that since ancient times played a crucial part in the country´s economy, efforts are now put into developing the shipping industry. Faeroe register FAS today comprises about 90 vessels. Nolsö Shipping is the biggest shipping company within the register.
Contact us
For more info go to https://www.furetank.se/